
Showing posts from 2015

Delaware Constitution and Secretary Position

We have a Delaware Tribe of Indians' Constitution and Bylaws, albeit a dated set from 1982.  Many tribal members and leaders wish to revise our constitution due to the numerous illusive meanings and the time period it was developed.  1982 hardly reflects our current trends and needs.  However, to do this right, a revision process will take some serious time and energy.   I have been in touch with the Honoring Nations program at Harvard University and they have advised me of the processes to attain the best help in the country for tribal constitution revision.  Despite the needs for revision, the current Constitution states the "Secretary shall have charge of all tribal correspondence." There are two schools of thought to this meaning. The opposition seems to argue that this means after the fact--that the Secretary is basically a record keeper.  My argument is that correspondence means the Secretary is charged at the forefront with communications, including the minut